Virtual Engine are pleased to announce that the new DSC resources for Citrix XenDesktop 7 announced at the E2EVC Berlin event can be found here! The example files and presentation have been made available on GitHub. The new Citrix XenDesktop 7 resources include:
- XD7AccessPolicy
- XD7Administrator
- XD7Catalog
- XD7CatalogMachine
- XD7Controller
- XD7Database
- XD7DesktopGroup
- XD7DesktopGroupMember
- XD7EntitlementPolicy
- XD7Feature
- XD7Role
- XD7Site
- XD7SiteLicense
- XD7VDAController
- XD7VDAFeature
- XD7WaitForSite
The composite resources for lab/development deployments are here and include the following resources:
- XD7LabController
- XD7LabDeliveryGroup
- XD7LabLicenseServer
- XD7LabMachineCatalog
- XD7LabSessionHost
- XD7LabSite
- XD7LabStorefront
- XD7LabStorefrontHttps
More information on individual resources can be found in the file of each repository.
This is an open-source community project and so we love to see people join in and contribute! There is still plenty of work to do to add the coverage required – including Storefront.