Following on from the initial post on the Run Once Per Computer and Run Once Per Computer, Per User GUID locations for the .ONCE files, it’s probably wise to let you know how to correlate the GUIDs used with their corresponding configuration items. There is no exposure to the GUIDs directly within the RES Workspace Manager GUI so to find these GUIDs we have to dig into the client database cache (there is a RES KB article but I can’t find it in the portal due to the search engine!).
All RES Workspace Manager agents download and cache a complete copy of the configuration database tables in the %RESPFDIR%\Data\DBCache\Objects folder as .XML files. In here are lots of files correlating to the configuration database tables within the database. The key to this process is to know what files you’re looking for! Here is a list of which files correspond to which object in the database that we’re interested in:
.XML File | Object |
apps.xml | Applications (Notifications) |
inst_mail.xml | Email Templates |
pl_reg.xml | Registry Settings/Policies |
pl_task.xml | External Tasks |
Armed with this information we can crack open the relevant file (pl_tasks.xml in this instance) with your favourite text/XML editor and perform a search for the “<runoncefile>” string to locate the relevant GUID.
To delete the .ONCE file for the “Per User Computer” external task, we need to delete the 132DBDF_34930_105A_TASK.ONE file from the %RESPFDIR%\Data (as it’s a related to the computer and not the user!) directory.
Note: @RESGuru has also pointed out that you can locate the relevant .ONCE files by exporting the item in question to a Building Block and then inspect the resulting .XML file. Thanks, Iain